Club History by Reba

     On July 7, 1953, a group of seven men (mostly from Gainesville, Texas), met at a Gainesville bank building for the express purpose of forming an organization to serve the interest of all boat owners that later became the Gainesville Boat Club.  The 25 charter members set the dues at $5.00, with one requirement:  that members had to own a boat or a motor (or be in the process of purchasing one). 
     The following year, the club leased some shoreline from the Corps, located in a slough between Big Mineral and Walnut Creek, that we cleared and developed with the intention of being our permanent location.  Unfortunately, four years later, in 1959, the Corps of Engineers revised their master plan for public use areas leading us to the shoreline and 43 acres in an area known as Cedar Point, site #4.  
      We relocated to our current site in 1960 where our story really begins.  And, oh, what a story it is!  We're a group of 100+ members strong from new boat owners to retirees, and generations from grandparents to grandkids, who care about each other and our club.  
     We encourage you to read our history and discover for yourself why, "we're a great place to visit and hard to forget!"
                                                                                  Shared by the GBC Historians
                                                                         Reba Bilderback (#96) & Harold Calvert (#8)
                                                                                       (club members since 1968 & 1969)
A note about the downloaded files:
I've written so many articles over the years, it's really hard to know which ones to share.  It will take me a while to download them all, but if you have a favorite that's not here, just ask.

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